Full name: Marta Ruiz Cantero

Place of bith: Melilla

Current city of residence: Málaga

Studies: Degree in Law. At the moment: sitting for an official Property Register exam.

Where did you study?: Málaga University.

Have you been a resident at RUT? Yes, I spent the four years of my degree in the residency, and since I started sitting for the exam I have been living in an apartment-residency.

What was your experience in the residency like? My experience was very positive, taking into account all the big changes that accompanied it: a new life in a different city and going from being with your family to living with a group of strangers. But, in the end, everyone is in the same situation, that makes it easier. This change forces you to meet a lot of new people and that, in my experience, become great friends.

Can you see any changes in the residency where you lived and the new one RUT? The changes are specially in the facilities, there is more movement in social network and the wide range of activities options. Now it is closer to the youth than before.

“RUT makes my life easier, I don’t even have to clean the kitchen, and if I have any problem I know I can count on them, I have been here for so many years that we have a special bond”

Any advice for the RUTthinkers nowadays? That they enjoy, that they live the university student experience. That they learn to combine study and fun, because your life changes when you leave university and start to work or sit for an exam. It’s the moment to enjoy, travel, meet people…

Why did you choose RUT to prepare to sit for the exam? Because I had that 4 year experience during my degree, they treated me very well, both the management and reception, cleaners and cooks. To sit the exam, I have to spend the 24 hours a day studying, I only have one day a week off to study and staying at RUT was the best option because of cleaning and food. I don’t have to worry about those basic things makes my life a bit easier.

What is your studying routine? Any normal day, I wake up at half past seven in the morning, I start studying until mid-morning, I stop to go to the gym and clear my mind. I have lunch and continue studying until 19:30-20:00, depending on the subjects I’ve got left.

“Patience is fundamental to study for so many years. It isn’t easy spending 8 hours a day every day studying with only one-day rest.”

Would you recommend RUT? Yes, I recommend it, if you are in a similar situation to mine, I come from Melilla, I prefer to be in a residency than a rented flat where you are on your own the whole day, here you can at least socialise with your mates. RUT makes my life easier, I don’t even have to clean the kitchen, and if I have any problem I know I can count on them, I have been here for so many years that we have a special bond.

Any advice for people who sit for official exams? A lot of patience, it is fundamental to study for so many years. It isn’t easy spending 8 hours a day every day studying with only one-day rest. Have enough patience and think that it’s a temporal situation, that the important thing is to pass and have a spot. You have to learn to enjoy and organise yourself.

To finish, how do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself with a spot, I trust I will get one and I don’t know if I should stay in Andalusia or look for a new destiny, change a bit of places… I might go to Madrid or further north.